Sheep & Beef


Let’s work together to boost your stock’s fertility, performance and overall health

There’s a long history of sheep and beef farming in these parts. Our involvement goes back generations too. We understand what it’s like to farm these parts and the nuances of the land and environment that affect the performance of your flock or herd. 

Keeping an eye on animal health parameters that influence optimal ewe performance, lamb survival and lamb growth rates is one of the ways we work closely with you. We provide full service to sheep and beef farmers including: 

  • Production and growth support, 

  • Trace elements testing, supplements and planning, 

  • Disease diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention, 

  • Parasite management (worms, fly and lice), 

  • Ram management, 

  • Lamb survival support, 

  • Body condition scoring, 

  • Advice and support for restricted veterinary medicines, 

  • Technical support and advice for animal health services and products.  

OviGold is our flagship partner programme for sheep (and beef) farmers. We want to understand your farming business and work with you to get the most out of your stock through regular animal health reviews, testing and targeted treatment plans. Along with Faecal Egg Counts, selenium tests, ram palpations and more, the programme also offers great savings on many animal health products and vet fees. 

For beef farmers, our veterinarians can provide BVD eradication and control programmes, tailored for your farm, which can then increase pregnancy rates and decrease stock losses. Specific animal health calendars can be formulated for your farm to ensure important vaccines, drenches and trace element supplements are not missed. We’re involved with many monitor farms and farm discussion groups, and can provide up to date and accurate information for your farm and stock. 


Why VetSouth is a great choice

We're locals

We’ve been in the lower South Island for decades. It’s where we’re from and where we raise our families.

Wide network

We’re plugged into the Veterinary world and our team can call on expertise from all over the world, then deliver it locally.

Handy clinics

We’re close to you for consults, supplements, supplies...whatever you need. Pop on in or organise a delivery.



A never ending quest for improvement and advancement

Researching animal welfare and pathology is a passion we share, with our work being used by industry bodies such as Dairy NZ, the Sustainable Farming Fund and Beef & Lamb.


Latest news

Oh no, don’t say, “Cheese!”

Cheesy gland (also called caseous lymphadenitis or lympho) is a chronic disease in sheep and goats caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.Read more

Selenium levels in sheep

Over the past 2-3 years, our vets have been seeing many sheep selenium test results coming back as either low (less than 4) or marginal (between 4-10).    Low levels can result from a combinationRead more

BVD in bulls

Transiently infected (TI) bulls will shed the BVD virus in their semen while they are infected, reducing the quality of the semen.  All breeding bulls should have been vaccinated to prevent themRead more

Staff focus: Showing cattle

How many children were in your class at the event?    There were 12, all under 14 years old.   Did they all bring a heifer from home?  Yes, most of them had heifers there to compete at the GorRead more

Winning at weaning

Here are some tips for each stage:  Pre-weaning  Make high quality feed available early on to encourage calves to transition onto this while their mothers are still around. This will help rumenRead more

The boys are back in town

If you haven’t, as March rolls in it’s the last call to finalise all your pre-tupping procedures. Your rams should be vet checked, body condition scored and shorn. Check their teeth and feet asRead more

Targeting trace elements

Vitamins and minerals have a big impact on the health of animals and their ability to perform to their best potential. Most farms will have a basic trace element supplementation plan for their stock,Read more

Worms more resistant

We completed nine reduction tests during the 2023-2024 season. All of the nine participating farms tested dual and triple drenches. Fewer farms tested single-acting and novel drenches. The graphRead more

Reflecting on a Salmonella spring

With such bad weather leading to large amounts of dirty surface water, limited feed and increased stocking densities, overall infection pressure and stress was much higher than usual. This caused aRead more

Preparing for hot summer days

Keeping stock happy, healthy and productive in summer heat requires good preparation, here are some of our tips: Read more

Are your boys up to the job?

We don’t need to tell you how tough this year has been! The season’s constant fight against some pretty terrible weather has taken its toll on farmers and stock alike.  Now that we are finallyRead more

Weighing it up across the south

Weighing allows you to be more accurate with weaning and drenching, plus it helps you better understand how your animals are tracking at crucial stages of their development. Replacement calves areRead more

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