

From the tail to the tip of the antlers, your Deer health is covered.

It’s a specialist passion and we’re stoked to be able to offer great vets and great services for the Deer Farmer.

This includes our skilled veterinarians who can remove velvet from young spikers through to mature stags. We are able to sedate and reverse animals if you do not have facilities that can safely immobilise the stag. Spikers can have NaturOrings applied the day of or the day before they go on the truck to the works, or the velvet can be removed at least a week before slaughter.

There’s a heap more we can help with too.  As an accredited TB tester, we have you covered there.  Scanning?  We have the latest equipment and some very experienced team members who can help you identify dry animals early and, if needed, age pregnancies to sort into early or late mobs.  This is also a prime opportunity to come out and make sure all is well, with no signs of pathology or disease.

Then there’s the dreaded Johnes disease.  We'll help make sure all is well and your herd is as productive as it can be.  Disease prevention and optimising health means best animal welfare and performance.  We can help formulate a plan to minimise johnes in your deer operation. 


Why VetSouth is a great choice

We're locals

We’ve been in the lower South Island for decades. It’s where we’re from and where we raise our families.

Wide network

We’re plugged into the Veterinary world and our team can call on expertise from all over the world, then deliver it locally.

Handy clinics

We’re close to you for consults, supplements, supplies...whatever you need. Pop on in or organise a delivery.



A never ending quest for improvement and advancement

Researching animal welfare and pathology is a passion we share, with our work being used by industry bodies such as Dairy NZ, the Sustainable Farming Fund and Beef & Lamb.


Latest news

Hind repro performance

Hinds on New Zealand deer farms normally reach puberty at around 16 months old. Hinds that have hit puberty by 16-months have a very good chance to conceive and calve at 24 months old. However, to beRead more

Targeting trace elements

Vitamins and minerals have a big impact on the health of animals and their ability to perform to their best potential. Most farms will have a basic trace element supplementation plan for their stock,Read more

Avoiding Yersiniosis

Yersiniosis is a highly infectious disease that is characterised by a green, watery scour which rapidly leads to death if untreated.   Recently weaned fawns in their first autumn are typicalRead more

Minimising losses over fawning

As calving approaches, it is a good time to reflect on the peri-natal and post-natal losses that are happening on your farm, and prepare ways to reduce them that suit your system.    Perinatal andRead more

Animal health audits

Drug chart: We will email all details of Restricted Veterinary Medicines (RVM) drugs after your annual consult. Any RVM products not covered in this consult will be sold with a form providing theRead more

Are your hinds hitting in-calf targets?

Just as with sheep and cattle, scanning your hinds can give you valuable information for the season ahead and also allow for some short-term decisions to be made. Ideally, you are aiming for a 99%Read more

Minimising stress at weaning time

Weaning is an important time in the deer farming calendar and getting it right can ensure you achieve the best growth and conception rates for the following year. As with most aspects of deerRead more

Hinds: Weigh up the benefits

The first two years of a young hind’s life directly correlate to her lifetime potential and productivity, especially when it comes to her first pregnancy. Hitting weight targets early on will makeRead more

How to maximise weaner growth

They have lower feed intake and low liveweight (LW) gain in winter, with shorter daylight length, and high intake and potentially high LW gain in spring and summer, with increased daylight length.Read more

Reducing Yersiniosis in weaner deer

The yersinia bacteria (Yersinia Psuedotuberculosis) are widespread on soil, water and pasture. Carrier animals, such as deer, birds, rabbits, pigs, cattle or sheep, shed the bacteria in their faeces.Read more

The Swede Safari

Every year a group of 5th-year vet students from Massey University in Palmerston North make the pilgrimage down south. Stopping at various other vet clinics along their journey the students arrive atRead more

Pre-Rut Weaning

Research has shown that management decisions around the time of weaning can have a huge effect on the profitability of your farm. In the wild, fawns won’t wean themselves until they are at least 7Read more

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