

The key to great dairy farm health is your KeyVet Team.

We don’t want to know just your animals, we want to know you, your farm, your ambitions and your vision for the future.  We don’t just care for your animals we care for you and for the success of your farm. This all starts with the KeyVet Team, including your dedicated KeyVet, who works closely with you to maximise the return from your production animals.  

We've been here for a long time, amongst it all, working alongside you and getting our hands dirty.  You’ll find VetSouth Veterinarians out amongst it in all weather, day and night.  And let’s just come straight out with it - dairy is a real passion.  Some of our vets are dairy farmers themselves and we get involved at all levels of the industry.

We’re lucky to have assembled a top team who have different specialities and are leaders in their specific fields. What does this all mean? It means we’re equipped with knowledge, experience and resources to help you get the most out of your animals and maximise your returns. 

Further, we take a lead in dairy issues, such as Mycoplasma Bovis. We stay active in the local communities and advocate for dairy farmers at a national level with Government. Why? Because we believe in dairy farming and we believe in dairy farmers.  We believe in successful and sustainable farm practices and adding enduring value to farming and food. We know we can help. 


Speak to your KeyVet about one of our specialist programmes for Dairy Farmers


DrenchPlus is a VetSouth client service aimed at improving herd productivity while reducing production costs. Endoparasite management is a complex issue. For this reason we developed the DrenchPlus programme with the makers of Genesis, Eclipse, ArrestC, Dectomax, Topline, Niltime LV and Eprinex to provide effective management of endoparasites. These products are proven performers from reputable manufacturers.


We don't want to know just your animals. We want to know you, your farm, your ambitions and your vision for the future. We don't care for just your animals. We care for you and for the success of your farm. This all starts with the KeyVet Team, including your dedicated key vet, who works closely with you to maximise the return from your production animals.


Production Profile Plus is an annual monitoring of trace elements to identify problems before they affect cow condition and performance. Expert advice is given from your veterinarian based on lab results. You will also receive a written report with an explanation of lab results and a guide to supplementation with recommended dose rates of various products. This scheme can also be customised to meet your needs, so talk to us today!


Why VetSouth is a great choice

We're locals

We’ve been in the lower South Island for decades. It’s where we’re from and where we raise our families.

Wide network

We’re plugged into the Veterinary world and our team can call on expertise from all over the world, then deliver it locally.

Handy clinics

We’re close to you for consults, supplements, supplies...whatever you need. Pop on in or organise a delivery.


Weigh it up is supported by VetSouth with professional and technical resources, which includes quality animal health products and programmes.


Latest news

20 years of Sunni Southland days

On the 15th of March it’s 20 years since I started working at VetSouth. These days working at the same place for that long is a milestone. I’m a definite hen’s tooth you might say.   I haveRead more

Staff focus: Showing cattle

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Salmonella impacts: A case study

A 550-cow dairy farm experienced a Salmonella outbreak in early May 2024.  Over the course of the outbreak, they had five cows die and 12 cows abort. They treated 20 cows with antibiotics andRead more

Southern Salmonella update

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Targeting trace elements

Vitamins and minerals have a big impact on the health of animals and their ability to perform to their best potential. Most farms will have a basic trace element supplementation plan for their stock,Read more

Treating a lame cow

Secure the leg.    Clean the foot with a hose.    Feel between the claws and all around the foot. Look for trapped stones and cracks, and examine the skin above the hoof for infection orRead more

Identifying lameness

New Zealand’s pasture-based dairy farming system, where cows graze in fields in all weather and walk fair distances along lanes to get to and from the milking shed, can increase the risk ofRead more

A recap of Johne's disease

It’s caused by a bacteria that damages the gut lining, leading to two main signs:   Watery “hose-pipe” diarrhoea.   Progressive weight loss.   Infection usually occurs in young calves.Read more

Preparing for hot summer days

Keeping stock happy, healthy and productive in summer heat requires good preparation, here are some of our tips: Read more

Weighing it up across the south

Weighing allows you to be more accurate with weaning and drenching, plus it helps you better understand how your animals are tracking at crucial stages of their development. Replacement calves areRead more

Scanning season swiftly approaching

In cows, the best time to age a pregnancy accurately is between 42 and 90 days after mating. For this reason, we usually recommend two scanning sessions: A first scan in January to age the earliesRead more

A tail to tell? Tail scoring study results

The problem is, even though docking has been banned since 2005, damaged tails - where the damage breaks the connections between the vertebrae - are now one of the most common cattle welfare-relatedRead more

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