At VetSouth Equine, we use a full mouth oral speculum that allows the mouth to be safely opened. After the mouth has been thoroughly rinsed out with an antiseptic solution, the use of a light and mirrors enables full visualisation of the mouth.

The safe use of tranquilisers allows a thorough dental examination to be performed followed by effective treatment.The use of motorised power equipment ('Powerfloat') allows sharp enamel points, overgrowths and malocclusions of teeth to be quickly corrected. As a horse's teeth are continually growing or erupting, they will naturally develop sharp enamel points that can cut into the cheeks or tongue if left untreated. We recommend that your horse’s mouth and teeth are examined every 6 - 12 months depending on their age, dental history and oral conformation. This is often done at the same time as their annual vaccinations or at the horse’s annual health check.

Routine dental treatment and some minor surgical procedures (e.g. removal of wolf teeth) can be performed either at our client's premises or alternatively bought into the clinic. Horse's that require more advanced dental care (e.g. extraction of molar teeth or management of dental related paranasal sinus infections) are generally admitted to the clinic.


Keep your horse happy and healthy.

We recognise all of our dedicated clients that are committed to giving their horse the best care possible. Sometimes that entails performing dental work and oral health treatment more frequently than just once a year. Horses that receive regular dental work (at least every 12 months) will receive 15% discount on professional fees, regardless of the time of year. 


Why VetSouth is a great choice

We're locals

We’ve been in the lower South Island for decades. It’s where we’re from and where we raise our families.

Wide network

We’re plugged into the Veterinary world and our team can call on expertise from all over the world, then deliver it locally.

Handy clinics

We’re close to you for consults, supplements, supplies...whatever you need. Pop on in or organise a delivery.



A never ending quest for improvement and advancement

Researching animal welfare and pathology is a passion we share, with our work being used by industry bodies such as Dairy NZ, the Sustainable Farming Fund and Beef & Lamb.


Latest news

Selenium levels in sheep

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BVD in bulls

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In-clinic mastitis testing options

The DairySmart Jupiter machine, which has been available since last year, uses traditional agar plates and an incubator. However, it uses modern AI to detect what bacteria species are present.  TheRead more

Wearables vs. non-wearables repro results

As we come to the end of another busy scanning season, we’re often asked how reproduction results are trending and whether farms using wearable technologies (like collars or tags) are performingRead more

Meet the equine team: Ariana

Welcome to our Invercargill team's newest graduate vet, Ariana Miller! Ari has made the trip all the way from the North Island to join us down in Invercargill. Originating from Christchurch, she’sRead more

20 years of Sunni Southland days

On the 15th of March it’s 20 years since I started working at VetSouth. These days working at the same place for that long is a milestone. I’m a definite hen’s tooth you might say.   I haveRead more

Staff focus: Showing cattle

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Feeding senior working dogs

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Salmonella impacts: A case study

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Southern Salmonella update

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Hind repro performance

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Winning at weaning

Here are some tips for each stage:  Pre-weaning  Make high quality feed available early on to encourage calves to transition onto this while their mothers are still around. This will help rumenRead more

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