Waisake's weight loss journey

dog weight loss

Waisake is a 3 year old big Labrador that never looked “overweight”, but over time, he started to change. His owner Hallie tells us about his weight loss journey over the past few months.

Things that he once did with such ease became a bit more of a struggle. He was sleeping a lot more, and was no longer so keen on walks, or able to sustain his energy for his usual distance. He had just lost his inner bounce and spark.

When he could no longer jump up on the back of the ute, I realised that something needed to change.

overweight dog

Waisake on the left at his heaviest. 

We met with vet nurse Kim at VetSouth to do a weight consult in March 2022. Waisake weighed in at 61kgs. It was then we worked out that Waisake was overweight!

After discussing the best options, a weight management programme made the most sense. A weight loss programme, just like for people, includes setting up a plan for eating the right things and right amounts, and having a regular exercise regime. I was initially a bit hesitant due to the cost of a special diet, but wanting the best for Waisake, we made the jump and set a weight loss goal of 42kgs.

He started on the Royal Canin Satiety food. We did a slow transition from his usual food, but had no problems and took to his new diet like a duck to water.

We began with fortnightly weigh-ins and if they were ever not possible, I made sure that he was weighed at least every month. Alongside this, I made sure to keep up with his regular exercise and was also extra vigilant about him not getting any extra treats or tidbits.

The weight began to come off, but the most exciting thing was Waisake’s bounce and spark was coming back! As his weight came down, his energy went up. Less sleeping, more energy and stamina for walks and before we knew it he was once again able to jump onto the back of the ute with ease.

Now, as of the 27th of September 2022, Waisake weighs 44.5kg! He is almost at the goal weight.

September weigh in brings his total weight loss to 15.5kg!

Despite being initially hesitant to do the programme, it has 100% been worth the money and I'm so happy I did it. It has been such a success for Waisake and it's great to see him really enjoying life again with so much energy! 


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