Dog vaccination at Christmas time

vet Olly with a dog at VetSouth

As we approach the holiday season and the promise of a well deserved break don’t forget about your dog. They may be heading to a kennel or going with you to the crib. These situations are going to increase their risk of coming in contact with certain diseases and this is a great opportunity to check their vaccination status.

Kennels will insist that your dog is vaccinated for the core viruses and Canine Cough (kennel cough) if they are not up to date, they will not let your dog stay and this can ruin your holiday!

• Check you can find your vaccination certificate and it is up to date (you need this for a kennel)
• Core vaccines: Your animal should have had a course when a pup and then a booster at one year of age. Thereafter vaccination is done every 3 years.
Canine Cough in dogs needs to have been given within a year. If it has been 10 months since last vaccination consider booster to improve immunity as it will be waning.
• If your dog will not let us give a canine cough intranasal vaccine the alternative vaccine under the skin requires initially two vaccines 3-4 weeks apart (then annual boosters).
• All vaccinations take at least 5-7 days to provide good protection.
• Due to the Christmas rush we recommend you consider vaccinating sooner rather than later.

If you are uncertain about your dog’s vaccine status don’t hesitate to give us a call.

- Oliver Young


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