Covid-19: Doing our bit to flatten the curve

Even with all the changes related to the control of Covid-19 it's relatively business as usual for us - keeping your animals healthy and happy. However, you may notice that we are implementing a few changes to do our bit to flatten the curve.

Unbelievably a government department has been first rate on its communications - giving very clear expectations on what we should all do. The Ministry of Health, led by Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield, has communicated clearly on Covid-19's advance, with practical advice to slow its impact on essential health services. Thankfully the risk to all of us - particularly in rural areas - remains very low, and to some degree that's now somewhat down to how we all work together.

Like a lot of businesses, we have postponed client seminars and even small gatherings; our clinics are now practicing "social distancing", and we are minimising movements across our teams. These are all easy steps based on Ministry of Health advice and I'm surprised how quickly they are becoming the norm. Overall, these provide an opportunity to "flatten the curve" (google that) i.e. do small things to slow the spread of Covid-19. None of these will stop it completely, but if we all do this (and wash our hands!) we're more likely to have a better ride.

Our people being on farm providing core vet services in particular has very low risk of infection to you or us, though we will maintain a couple metres (and maybe a cow or two) distance to protect you and ourselves. If any of our team have any flu-like symptoms they'll stay home.

All our clinics are open, and the team will ask for the new normal courtesies, such as maintaining distance and hygiene. This means a slight change in how we do some things, but reasonably straight forward. If you're unsure about coming in or feeling unwell, call us (even if from the carpark), and we can work with you to look after your animals and get you your supplies. MOH advice is that the risk of infection requires 15+ mins of close (<1m) contact with an infected individual, which is very unlikely during normal business.

Our on-farm delivery service has been in great demand and something that makes it easy to get what you need without coming into a clinic.

We're just a call away, and focused on giving you the advice and service you need, when you need. With modern technology we can do a heck of a lot more remotely too, so if you're keen for an online video meeting with your vet or an email order please just drop us a line.

We have great relationships with our suppliers, so we have both stock on hand and ordered. While at the moment we don't have any indication supply will be an issue, the situation could change, therefore we recommend you call your vet for a consult, so we can get a clear view of what you need and we'll put a forward order in for your next few months' needs.

Our thoughts are with all who are being affected by Covid-19, whether directly or indirectly. We continue to support local businesses, residents in our communities and our country in general. This is a time that more than ever we stay connected, support one another, keep doing what we all do well, and all do our bit to 'flatten the curve'.

- Mark Bryan


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