Minimising losses over fawning


As calving approaches, it is a good time to reflect on the peri-natal and post-natal losses that are happening on your farm, and prepare ways to reduce them that suit your system. 
Perinatal and postnatal fawn death is one of the most significant sources of reproductive wastage on NZ deer farms.
The following is a refresher on the main causes and corrective actions. For more detailed advice around optimal calving environments, visit the DeerHub.
A list of possible causes include:

  • Dystocia - fawns are usually born dead or die shortly after.

  • Starvation - fawns usually die 1-3 days after birth.

  • Misadventure - a major cause of post-natal fawn loss, usually involving fences.

  • Disease - not as common on most farms. Causes include Fusiformis, Cryptosporidia, E.coli, and Leptospira.

So, you might have identified the problem areas on your farm, but what can you do to minimise them?

  • Dystocia - most likely related to disturbances around fawning that disrupt the birthing process. By reducing hind stocking rate, you can reduce stress on the hinds to find a suitable fawning site and it means they can have an undisturbed birth.

  • Starvation - usually an issue with bonding between mother and fawn in the first few hours of birth, it can indicate issues with the fawning environment and disturbances to the hind. Maintain hind stocking rates at <8 per ha during fawning to minimise competition between hinds for fawning sites, and avoid unnecessary disturbances.

  • Misadventure - ensure fences surrounding fawning paddocks do not have holes big enough for fawns to crawl through. Also, provide shelter for the fawns away from the fence lines. If possible, separating fawning groups by at least one empty paddock can help reduce confusion for the fawn.

  • Disease - seek veterinary advice if you are seeing perinatal fawn mortality due to disease.


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