Hind repro performance

Hinds on New Zealand deer farms normally reach puberty at around 16 months old. Hinds that have hit puberty by 16-months have a very good chance to conceive and calve at 24 months old.

However, to be able to do this, R2 hinds have to be 70% of their adult body weight by their second autumn, regardless of their genetic composition. Failure to do so will delay puberty by at least a year.

Keep in mind, if the average R2 hind weight across your herd is about 70% of their adult body weight, this may mean only half of your hinds are over that 70% adult weight target. This will translate into poor reproductive performance, with potentially only around 50% achieving pregnancy. 

If you can lift your average weight across your herd to 85% of their adult body weight, this will bring more of your hinds over that 70% adult weight target and could increase the pregnancy rate to around 90% – a much better repro performance. 


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