Successful beef calf weaning can be a daunting task. How can we help calves stay healthy and minimise the growth check, ultimately returning more profit to your pocket?
Here are some tips for each stage:
Make high quality feed available early on to encourage calves to transition onto this while their mothers are still around. This will help rumen development and digestion of solid feed will be more efficient come weaning day. Additionally, if fed well early, skeletal and muscle development will be better, leading to an improved frame to build on later and fatten at the finishing stage.
Perform stressful procedures, such as disbudding, well before weaning.
Administer Selovin LA (selenium), Smartshot B12 and a 20mg copper bolus. Deficiencies in these trace elements will influence immunity and growth negatively.
Vaccinate against clostridial diseases with Covexin 10 to prevent sudden death of good quality calves later. Give two injections 4-6 weeks apart.
Regularly weigh your calves to confirm their growth rates are tracking well – our Weigh It Up team can help with this.
Bring in some poo samples for us to FEC (faecal egg count) test to determine if a pre-weaning drench is needed for your calves. If so, use a triple combination drench to slow the development of resistance.
Minimise stress as much as reasonably achievable during separation.
Ensure fences are in good condition.
Select a paddock with easily accessible water and good shelter.
Use good quality pasture as calves will be less interested in feeding, so it’s vital what they do eat is nutritious.
Monitor them regularly as they will be more prone to develop disease at this stage and early treatment is key.
If they don’t go off to sale soon, separate heifer and bull calves to prevent unwanted mating.
Reach out to your KeyVet for advice on low-stress weaning specific to your farming set-up if you’d like further help.