Steps for treatment:
Secure the leg.
Clean the foot with a hose.
Feel between the claws and all around the foot. Look for trapped stones and cracks, and examine the skin above the hoof for infection or growths.
Use hoof testers along all areas of the sole to identify the problem claw and painful spot.
If a lesion is identified, ensure all under-running sole is removed by trimming with a hoof knife. Avoid bleeding as it will delay healing!
Transfer weight away from the painful area by putting a block on the sound claw.
Manage pain during recovery with anti-inflammatory pain relief and consult your vet if antibiotics may be needed.
A well-stocked lame cow kit:
Hoof knife and sharpener
Hoof testers
Hoof trimmers
Hoof grater and/or paring knife
Plastic, wooden or foam blocks and glue (i.e. Cowslips)
Antiseptic spray (i.e. Iodine)
Antibiotic spray (i.e. Tetravet blue spray)
Pain relief (i.e. Metacam, Key)
Tail paint