Avoiding Yersiniosis

Yersiniosis is a highly infectious disease that is characterised by a green, watery scour which rapidly leads to death if untreated.  

Recently weaned fawns in their first autumn are typical candidates, as the stress from weaning coupled with possible changes in feed, transport, parasite burdens and bad weather all create the ideal ‘perfect storm’ for this bacteria. 

Around weaning farmers should: 

  • Aim to reduce the effects of common stresses on fawns. 

  • Vaccinate twice with Yersiniavax vaccine, 3-6 weeks apart, to prevent clinical disease. The last vaccine should ideally be completed one week before weaning.

Use Yersiniavax as an ‘insurance policy’ in case of environmental stressors and to enhance good management practices.  

Contact your KeyVet to discuss a plan for your weaners. 


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