Over the past few months, we have had various requests for animal health information from farmers having their audits. We checked with QCONZ on what you need:
Drug chart: We will email all details of Restricted Veterinary Medicines (RVM) drugs after your annual consult. Any RVM products not covered in this consult will be sold with a form providing the necessary information. Please let us know if you didn’t receive one.
Animal Health Plan: OviGold members will receive an updated AHP after their annual consult, but we can do these for anyone.
Dog dosing: We will have this on your AHP. If you do your own, remember to include these records.
Velvet records: Books are to be up-to-date and available at audit. QCONZ will contact us if we have your book.
Fitness for travel certification: Any “Works Certificates” we have provided must be available.
Disbudding certification: If you do your own disbudding, you will be given a docket as proof of visit.
Out of date disposal: Product disposal can be managed through AgRecovery.
Needle disposal: Needles are to be collected in a suitable container – this does not have to be a registered container. Needles should be disposed of with vets or AgRecovery.
All records can be in either paper or digital format.