Getting repro ready

With repro season quickly approaching, here are some important things you can be doing once cows have calved to get them ready for mating:


This picks up on any “dirty cows” that have pus in their uterus and hence evidence of endometritis (a uterine infection after calving). Endometritis damages the uterine lining and leads to impaired fertility, which is why identifying and treating affected cows will help improve in-calf rates. We recommend all cows are metrichecked 10-14 days post-calving. For most herds, this means getting us out two or three times to pick up on different groups of cows (early and late calvers).

Body condition scoring

As everyone knows, getting cows in the right condition for mating is vital. It is important to monitor BCS pre-mating so you can identify any light cows/heifers early and preferentially feed them or move them to once-a-day milking. Aim to get the majority of cows at a BCS 4.5 to enhance reproductive performance. 

Trace element testing

Several trace elements have been proven to affect fertility and reproductive function, including selenium and copper. Use blood and liver tests pre-mating to monitor your herd’s trace element levels, identify where any deficits lie and whether any supplementation is required. 

Pre-mating heat detecting

The objective of pre-mating heat detection is to determine which cows are cycling and which cows are not. Heat detect 4-5 weeks before mating so you can identify these non-cycling cows and intervene, to get them cycling again by planned start of mating. Tail paint is the simplest method of heat detection, but not the only one – make sure you have a system ready to go that works for your farm.

Getting your numbers right

Focusing on these key elements and ensuring your numbers are good coming into repro season will set cows up with the best chance of getting in-calf, and hopefully improve your submission and conception rates.

If you have any questions, give your KeyVet a call and have a yarn about how these factors can impact your goals this year.


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