Top tips for assisted calvings

Here are some pointers to help you navigate calving difficulties.

Last season, between July and November 2023, we were called out to assist with 665 calvings! Of these, 15 were for beefies (including 2 prolapses) and 650 were for dairy cows, with 67% of these considered “normal” calvings. So, it pays to be prepared to step in when necessary. Here are some top tips to help you navigate calving difficulties: 

1. If you have made no progress after 10 minutes, call your vet for a hand. 

2. Head ropes - never place it around just the calf's jaw, as this pulls in the wrong direction and can break the jaw if the calf is alive. Instead, place the rope behind the ears and through the mouth. Getting the rope behind BOTH ears is the biggest factor in getting a head-back calf facing the right way again. 

3. Leg ropes - always loop the chain above the fetlock and place a half hitch below it. This reduces the chance of breaking the calf's leg. 

4. Two legs and no head? How do you tell if it is coming forwards or backwards? 

  • Front legs - the bottom two joints of the leg (fetlock and knee) bend in the same direction, forming a C shape) 

  • Back legs - the fetlock and hock bend in the opposite direction, forming a Z shape. 

5. A prolapsed uterus is an emergency! Call us right away. Keep the cow calm and clean until we arrive.  

6. Always check for SPARES and TEARS after calving. Even if you pull twins, check for a third...you never know! 

7. Only give Butocin AFTER you have calved a cow. 

8. Don't forget to consider pain relief post-calving. 


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