Our Here for Good purpose
Here for Good is the compass that guides us towards the creation of a better now and a better future. These are the seven pillars that underpin what we are striving to achieve.

1. Happy healthy animals
Making a difference to animals’ lives
2. Career and personal development
Learning, growing and achieving together
3. Here for the longhaul
By your side, always.
4. Successful and sustainable farm business
Adding enduring value to farming and food
5. Positive rural health
Improving mental and physical wellbeing
6. Thriving local communities
We work, play and live in the communities we love.
7. A better NZ Inc
Doing our bit for NZ’s future
Our place in the community
Proud to be Here for Good
Throughout the year we support our thriving communities in many ways. Below are a few examples of the sponsorships we commit to each year. We also support smaller charities, local events, and sport complex's.
Submit a sponsorship request
Here at VetSouth we support local, meaning we work, play and live in the communities we love. Each year we sponsor many local events around Southland and Otago. These fit within our core values "Here for Good". If you would like to apply for sponsorship please fill out the form below.